
Digitalization and Robotics for a Disruptive Foodservice Platform


foodservice in a digital world

A new ecosystem to automate kitchens, to provide personalized offer, to improve sales channels and to assist in the management. We combine software, design, robotics, culinary, mechatronics and internet to offer disruptive services to Horeca.

Disruptive platform and service to professional kitchen


Digitalization opens new opportunities to Horeca. We use Big Data, Artificial Intelligent, Internet of the Things and  Cloud API Software Integrations  to offer a new Intelligent Platform.


Smart and Collaborative Robots have come to the kitchen.  We build our own robots and mechatronics focusing in foodservice to achieve competitive costs. Robots and Cobots are reinventig the labour force in the Smart Kitchen.


We use design to solution-focused thinking. We are redisigning the workflows and business processes. We apply product design engineering to make our technologies meaningful, and our services people centric.